HEADS UP: Join The Only Self-Confidence Training Community For Men On The Planet - With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Master Your Nervous System

Silence Negativity

Dissolve Limiting Beliefs


Unshakable Self-Confidence...

… In 5 Days Or Less!

Join the community to receive access to the exclusive 5-day Unshakable Man Self-Confidence Breathwork Course, which promises to boost any man's confidence in five days. PLUS, Get The Unshakable Man Community+Course Bundle with 5 AMAZING RESOURCES to unlock your full potential and achieve unshakable purpose, power, and presence!

5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

The Unshakable Man Community+Course Bundle with 5 AMAZING RESOURCES

Our Promise - Experience the Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course + Community + Course Bundle that guarantees your transformation.

If unsatisfied, get your money back.

5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass
5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

transform your Self-confidence and Develop Unshakable Purpose, power, and Presence within 30 days of engaging with the course, or receive a 100% refund.

Don't Waste Money on Self-Help. unlock your inherent Self-confidence and cultivate The Skills And mindset


P.S. - If you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... you're getting access to the community + 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course with 5 AMAZING resources.

Then you'll become a paid member of The Unshakable Man Community for just $97 a month.

If you want to cancel just send an email to team@unshakableman.com and I'll take care of you.

...Stop forcing, shaming, and "faking it till you make it".

Build real world Connections With Other Men who want to practice and develop the same Unshakable Self Confidence as you!

Learn Real techniques to master your nervous system.

Become Your Own Primary Caretaker.

Sooth and Care For Your Wounds While Also Showing Up For Others.

Chris Wilson - 5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass
Chris Wilson - 5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

Hi. I'm Chris Wilson. This is your call to adventure! No matter if you've purchased self-help books, courses, and seminars before or if this is your first time diving in...

Get ready to rock your world with the 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course! It's time to learn how to master your nervous system and tap into that natural confidence you were born with in 5 days or less!

Picture this: Living life with a cool, collected mind and an unshakable confidence because you know how to take care of yourself.

Ready to boost your Self-confidence?

The 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course + Community + Course Bundle is designed to equip you with tools you'll use your whole life.

This course is for:

  • Men who are reshaping their lives post breakup or divorce.

  • Men striving to cultivate strong, courageous and affectionate relationships.

  • Men intending to become strong protectors and providers within their communities.

  • Men ready to revolutionize their self-confidence.

  • Men longing to shred limiting beliefs and burdens of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.

  • Men recovering from burnout - devoted to personal healing and growth.

  • Men who have tried self-help books, courses, and seminars without seeing long-term results.

  • Men desiring to conquer self-doubt and fears, aiming to feel successful now while in pursuit of their goals.

  • Men refusing to accept mediocrity, driven to extract every bit of love and potential from life.

Discover how you can achieve this and learn the secrets to stepping into your true potential... in just 5 days.

Your Golden Opportunity:

Unlock the secrets of unshakable Self-confidence!

5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

Awaken Your Unshakable Man

Discover The Proven Method To

Unleash Your Inner Self-Confidence

Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson

My name is Chris Wilson. 

I’ve helped hundreds of men discover their inner Unshakable Man for ten years.

I teach men a grounded approach to connect to their inner sense of self-confidence.

Seriously. I mean grounded. 

The process starts by learning how to fall down into the ground, where you discover how to let go and reconnect to the earth and your natural surroundings.

Ten years ago, I didn't know how to do this. 

My life experience brought me here with a massive anxiety attack. 

The anxiety attack blew up my life, but it showed me a better way of living. 

Society and general medicine told me anxiety was something to medicate away with a pill rather than an opportunity of a lifetime to discover my innate ability to heal and transform. 

I'll set the scene, I was working in software sales. I was at the top of my game. 

I'd worked hard to get to where I was and I loved my job.

It happened where I felt the most comfortable → the office. 

I was in a board room giving a presentation when suddenly I felt itchy.

I tried to push it away and it came back stronger.

Then my heart started racing. I started to lose my vision and to slur my speech.

I felt like I might die.

Boom - it all went black. Then I woke up on the floor and the meeting had been canceled.

Returning to the office the next day, I felt embarrassed and ashamed, like I was broken.

I tried to act like nothing had happened.

I tried to tough it out and push through even though deep down I knew something was wrong.

I'd fake it, but each time I would enter the office, I would get waves of hives, and stress would overwhelm me. I didn't understand what was happening to me.

My body was telling me I had to leave the environment. I had to quit my job.

How would I support myself? Far worse, who am I without that identity?

I felt like I was adrift without a sense of purpose.

I had no idea who I was or how to put myself back together. I thought I was broken. I kept thinking —> I need to fix myself. 

Rumination turned into my daily habit. 

My new mission became to fix myself.

Being stuck in my head melted my self-confidence. 

My reaction to the anxiety attack was to go into my head and to try to figure it out.

But then something shifted almost on its own.

One day I made the connection that the anxiety kept popping up.  

The anxiety was COMING UP FROM MY BODY.

If I couldn’t escape the sensations, I could at least learn how to be with what was happening.

With new energy and drive I felt inspired to seek out different ways to connect to my body. 

This might seem like a simple thing to notice but it lead to the biggest realization of my life and everything that The Unshakable Man is built on.

The journey I set out on made me realize how society had conditioned me to disconnect from my body.

I discovered that the only true path to connection and healing and the feeling of powerful self confidence is found by connecting to the body.

But connecting to my body was the opposite of everything I’d been taught as a man.  

How could this be?

The more I learned about the nervous system and practiced somatic meditation the more my power and self-confidence grew.

I began learning more and more about myself and it's as if an entire world had opened that I'd never noticed before.

Though I was often still alone in my journey.

One rainy day in San Francisco, the second big realization happened. 

There was a class near my apartment called Cultivating Emotional Balance. 

In the past, I would never have gone to this kind of class - but I was committed to doing things differently.

I walked into that class by Dr. Eve Ekman and felt utterly out of place.

It looked like only two other men and 40+ other women were in the room. 

I felt alone in the room. Deeply alone.

Yet, I was learning how to be this calm, compassionate, courageous and confident man.

That day I realized men needed this training. Heck, I needed men in my life to practice and train with to deepen my own skills.

I wanted a tribe of guys like me to do this work with.

A tribe of men. And there was nowhere for me to go.


I needed men to practice with.

Like warriors in a tribe.

In this day and age we don’t have other men to help us learn to be in our bodies! 

When we think it is unsafe to be in our bodies, we learn to live in our heads. 

Ever since then, I’ve been on this path. 

5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass
5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

I'm On A Path to Teach Men To Reconnect with Their Natural Confidence and To Learn To Bring That Sense of Self-Confidence Out Into Their Lives and Relationships.

Chris Wilson - 5 day unshakable self-confidence mastercass

I left the room that day on a mission to practice and share these tools with men.

I'm on this mission because I didn't have anyone to teach me these skills when I was a young man.

A few months later, I was leading my first men’s retreat. Then onto leading men’s groups. 

I was teaching myself and other men how to work with what was happening in their bodies no matter what was happening in their external world.

The more I practiced. The more I got hooked by challenging situations in my life.

The more I returned to my men’s group and meditation cushion, the more I realized I could recover. The more my skills developed. The less I needed to protect myself.

The more I opened up. The more unshakable I became. The more purposeful, powerful, and present I was, the more my life around me settled. 

It took ten years for me to find my way here.

But when I share these strategies and tools with men, they transform in days! 

When we build community around these practices our skills grow, our learning accelerates and our entire image of what it means to be a man changes.

It becomes a beautiful engine of love and transformation that I am so honored and excited to share with you.

You are welcome here.

When I Applied These Tools, A Few Wild Things Happened

  • I started to sense that the natural world was supporting me.

  • For the first time, I learned to clear my mind and get into my body. 

  • I discovered how to cultivate an internal locus of control instead of trying to fix or control the outside world around me. 

  • I connected with the subtle joy of being

  • I began to relax and develop deep bonds of brotherhood with other men.

  • My relationship flourished, and my partner began to trust me and notice my growth.

  • I could take on more significant challenges without getting overwhelmed. 

  • ​I started to be able to catch myself, and I stopped wasting energy stuck in my head.

  • I began seeing how fear, anxiety, and stress were teaching me to soothe myself. 

  • I settled into a new way of living from the inside out

  • I became more creative, compassionate, and courageous.

  • I responded to challenges differently and transformed my life and relationships.

You may ask yourself, “How did you boost your confidence in a few short hours?"

It's easier than you think.

I'll teach you how in the course.

The secret lies in your nervous system. 

My goal when you join is to make sure you tap into your sense of self-confidence in your body in the first five days. 

Once you realize you can access it we can begin the work of mastery.

Your nervous system is naturally protective—let's learn to befriend it!

Self-confidence isn’t an abstract idea— it’s a visceral experience inside your body, waiting to be tapped into. Many men believe they must be tough or aggressive to discover inner confidence, but this is untrue. 

Learning to let go and to surrender those defensive layers is the pathway to your true self-confidence. It’s time to leave the self-help books on the shelf. It's time to practice.

PLUS - Doing this work together in a community with other men is incredibly transformative. 

We, as men, are designed to function in social groups. Building genuine relationships around this practice can shift our lives from the inside out. It serves as a beacon, showing that living this way is possible.

This is the purpose of The 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course + Community + Course Bundle.

I will train you to tap into and unleash your inner purpose, power, and presence in your life. 

We’re here to stand by your side, to support you!

This is your big shot to uncover The Nervous System Mastery Techniques that unlock your natural confidence and make you unshakable!

The 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course + Course Bundle + Community

This Course was developed by working with hundreds of men.

The 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course begins the Unshakable Man Journey.

You'll learn a powerful breathwork technique to drop out of your head and egoic patterns and into your body, where you can directly experience your true self-energy and awaken your inner sense of self-confidence.

The 5-Day model has proven to be the best to allow you to set up and familiarize yourself with the practices before committing to starting the following Monday.

Each session lasts 1 hour to fit it into your day.

Plus, I teach a live breathwork session every week and host a live men's group to support men in the community. You get all of this for one monthly price.

The Unshakable Man Community+Course Bundle includes 5 AMAZING RESOURCES.

Here’s Your Schedule for The Next 5 Days:

Getting Setup - Over The Weekend

You did it! You registered for the course. Now it's time to familiarize yourself with the material and the practices so you can commit to show up starting on Monday Morning. This model has proven to be the most effective training format for hundreds of men. In this module we will learn:

  • How the course is organized

  • The specific breath technique + practice session

  • Prepare for the next 5 days

Day 1 - Letting Go & Dropping-In

15 Min Video Lesson + 45 Min Breathwork Session

Embrace the present moment as we liberate ourselves from the unconscious survival mode gripping our daily lives. Our first session is an invitation to allow ourselves to show up wholeheartedly, intentionally letting go and dropping into the authentic experience of our bodies. Whether a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, each encounter holds newfound depth. There is no try - this is an allowing process. Relax, Open, Connect. Let go. 

Day 2 - Finding Your True Self

15 Min Video Lesson + 45 Min Breathwork Session

Building on the foundation of showing up, letting go, and dropping in, each of us took an essential step towards discovering our True Self. Today, we reunite with our practice and deliberately connect with our authentic essence, which patiently waits beneath layers of emotional residue, attachments, successes, and challenges. Trust this unwavering part of ourselves, brimming with clarity, compassion, creativity, curiosity, courage, calm, connectedness, and confidence.

Day 3 - Unleashing Your Wild Man

15 Min Video Lesson + 45 Min Breathwork Session

Charged with the energy of our True Self, it's time to unleash the Wild Man within. While often perceived negatively, anger serves as a powerful catalyst for transformation. Harness that primal scream and warriors yell to break through limitations, set boundaries, and ignite a new path surging with unrivaled determination. Today, we call upon our Wild Man!

Day 4 - Embracing Your Inner Child

15 Min Video Lesson + 45 Min Breathwork Session

Embark on a journey of self-discovery by embracing the innocence of your inner child. Guided by the Wild Man, we venture into the depths of our soul and uncover the buried treasures of joy, sorrow, achievements, and losses, hidden beneath the facade of anger. Seek the wisdom of the child within, listen to their needs, and learn to nurture their raw emotions, cultivating the tenderness and fierceness required to fearlessly face life's challenges.

Day 5 - Awakening Your Inner Unshakable Man

15 Min Video Lesson + 45 Min Breathwork Session

Behold the man you have unleashed—the integrated, whole being forged by tapping into your True Self, Wild Man, and Inner Child. He is the unwavering force supporting your journey, an embodied sensation and living experience, rather than a mere idea or concept. Today, we awaken your inner Unshakable Man and commit to bringing him out into your life for the good of everyone and every thing.

Celebration! You Did it! Welcome To The Community + Live Sessions & Courses

Celebration time! You did it! Completing the 5-Day Unshakable Man Self-Confidence Course is a physical experience. It's embodied and made real by your courage and willingness to show up. Now you get to deepen your practice, to share your experience and meet other men who have answered the call or try one of the other courses. Congratulations to you.

The journey of The Unshakable Man begins.

PLUS, When You Join The 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course Today, You’ll Get These

5 Resources FOR FREE:

weekly community men’s group/5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Masterclass

weekly community men’s group

Step into purpose, power, presence with the Weekly Community Men's Group, a dojo for Unshakable Men to reflect, regroup, and guide each other towards wisdom and growth. It's a haven where you can relax, open, and connect to transformation together.

weekly community men’s group/5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Masterclass

weekly LIVE & Recorded Unshakable Man Breathwork

Delve into the transformational journey of Revelation Breathwork, a conduit to clear emotional residue, and reach higher levels of consciousness. Weekly live sessions and recorded sessions accommodate your personal rhythm — evolution on your terms.

weekly community men’s group/5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Masterclass

5-Day Somatic Meditation Training

Learn to create your posture from the bottom up so you can tap into your inner pool of peace with our 5-Day Somatic Meditation Training. Discover the power of posture and presence, revealing what is to be experienced in your SOMA — this training is the cornerstone of the Unshakable Man Meditation Practice.

weekly community men’s group/5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Masterclass

5-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge

Cultivate emotional balance and fuel your life, relationships, goals, and dreams with the 5-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge. Building on the somatic meditation practice, elevate emotional mastery from a challenge into an energizing mastery practice.

weekly community men’s group/5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Masterclass

90-Day Nervous System Mastery Training

Answer the call of the extended journey inspired by the Unshakable Man Community. Join us in a 90-day exploration from mind to body, forging a lasting somatic meditation practice. Navigate life's waves while steadfastly fostering growth and development.

Oh, and one more thing...

You have 100% satisfaction warranty

If you do the trainings and don't notice a major boost in your confidence, I'll give you your $97 back.

No questions asked!

Hundreds of Men are rocking the strategies from the 5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course and seeing massive success!

Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and Success Stories

You get all of this for an insanely low price!

And You Have 100% Satisfaction Warranty!

Enroll now in our 5-Day Self-Confidence Course and it's yours for just:

Reg Individual Price. $1,282

ONLY $97/Month!

5 day unshakable self-confidence masterclass

Don't hold back! Unlock your full confidence today!

These trainings Come Straight From My Heart.

You've got almost nothing to lose and a boatload of success and confidence to gain, all thanks to my unbeatable Confidence Guarantee!

  • If you don't think you've learned valuable techniques to unlock your natural confidence

  • If you don't feel equipped to face fear head-on...

  • If you don't feel a surge of energy, clarity, and confidence...

Then, I don't want you to hold onto something that's not working for you. Give the methods, techniques, and step-by-step actions in the courses a whirl for a solid 30 days.

If you don't believe you've gained at least $97 worth of value from the course, just let me know, and I'll gladly give you a prompt and cheerful refund.

Trust me, these nervous system mastery techniques have worked me and many more men. All you have to do is follow them, one step at a time, and make them a part of your life.


How will your life transform when you embrace your natural confidence and success mindset?

Picture this: Mastering the nervous system training techniques that allow you to regenerate your sense of confidence from the inside out.

Envision yourself fearlessly pursuing all your desires.

Picture having a meditation practice and community of men in your life who support you.

Imagine living authentically, completely free, without any reservations.

Visualize yourself cruising through life with an unshakable, natural confidence that propels you forward.

Believe it or not, all of this can be yours today...

For Only $97/Month

No, that's not a typo!

100% Satisfaction Warranty!



Most self-confidence breathwork courses teach men that self-confidence is about being tough, rugged, stoic, disconnected, or how to craft a protective mask. This can be effective, but it prevents us from becoming whole, healthy, generative adults who can experience the full range of our human experience. Unshakable Self-confidence and our community are about discovering your innate ability to heal, transform, grow, and embody and express the fullness of your potential. This work is about wholeness, not some quick-fix egoic self-confidence shield. 


We teach powerful breathwork techniques to release pent-up stress, trauma, anxieties, and fears trapped in your nervous system. From the first session, in 60 minutes, you can experience a remarkable transformation.This transformative process instigates a shift in your consciousness, spring-boarding you into an unfamiliar yet profound state of self-awareness. These revitalizing moments stimulate a reconnection with forgotten truths and foster an innate, Unshakable self-confidence. This is a process of remembering. 


YES. When you learn how to regulate your nervous system, you will become more capable of focusing, overcoming all challenges, and obliterating procrastination. 


YES. Absolutely. Anxiety is a physical sensation that happens in the body that triggers fear, insecurity, rumination, and doubt in the mind. Everything we do here will help you overcome your anxiety. 


This is like a gym for your emotional fitness. This work can give you a quick result, but mastery requires repetition. 1 year with The Unshakable Man Community will change your entire life!


Just email us at team@unshakableman.com, and we will cancel your membership immediately.



(And the 5 other bonuses)

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Hac dui velit ullo quas, quo mus secure quas $87,843.10 te ea fuga carbone, etiam, substitam, prosperis, eum quas - dui d junctione insultus te dui probat ipsum ...

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Join Hundreds Other Men...


If you want to awaken your inner Unshakable Man.

... You've come to the right place.

The first thing you need to know is - There is no one else who can do this work for you.

You are the only person, the only human being on earth who can report on your experience.

If you don't know how - YOU ARE NOT BAD AT IT!

You've just been poorly trained.

The second thing you need to know is - There are no good or bad emotions.

There are only constructive or destructive reactions to emotions.

And emotions happen in and on your body.

We learn how to regulate our nervous systems in relationship with our environment.

But let's be honest. Most of us live in environments that are constantly dis-regulating us.

This is why I've devoted my life to creating spaces where men can connect, heal, and grow.

Everything I've shared here comes from my heart and is an expression of my love.

All I am doing is sharing my practice with you.

I am inviting you in to practice with me and the other men who choose to practice here.

This is a place of growth and transformation.

This is how we learn - In community - with other men who have answered the call.

This is how we learn to become the primary caretakers for our wounded parts.

I sincerely hope you choose to join us and that what you learn here changes your life for the better.

All of you is welcome here.


Chris Wilson

Somatic Men's Coach

Unshakable Man Community Founder & Facilitator

Get Access to ALL our Best Resources for one monthly price...

5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork COURSE

Rewire your nervous system and learn to tap into your natural confidence in 5 days or less!

(Valued at: $ 197 if sold separately)

Included with membership

5-Day Somatic MediTation Training

Unlock the connection to your deepest life and unleash your power to connect, heal, and grow. Join me on this journey over 5 hours and 5 days.

(Total Value: $ 197)

Included With Membership

5-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge

Cultivate emotional balance to fuel your life, relationships, goals, and dreams.

(Total Value: $ 197 )

Incldued with Membership


Become inspired and motivated to start the journey of The Unshakable Man.


Incldued with MemGETbership

90-Day Nervous System Mastery Challenge

A 90-day journey out of your head and into your body to become more grounded, resilient, and purposeful in your life, work, and relationships.

(Total Value: $ 497 )

Included with Membership

LIVE Unshakable Man Breathwork

Weekly guided breathwork sessions to unleash your inner Unshakable Man.

(Valued at: $ 25 per session or $ 97 per month value )

Included with Membership

Weekly Community Men’s Group

Build Real Relationships With Men In The Unshakable Man Community.

(Total Value: $ 97 / Month Value )

Included with Membership


Come Join Us And Let's Master The Art Of

"Nervous System Mastery"

5-Day Unshakable Self-Confidence Breathwork Course - ($197 Value)

5-Day Somatic Meditation Training - ($197 Value)

5-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge - ($197 Value)

5-Day Emotional Mastery Audio Training - FREE

90-Day Nervous System Mastery Challenge - ($497 Value)

LIVE Unshakable Man Breathwork - ($97 / month Value)

Weekly Community Men’s Group - ($97 / month Value)

Total Value: $1,282

Join Our Community Today And Get

IT ALL FOR $97/month

The Unshakable Man™
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